Interview with a teenager on Mental Health
Interviewee Z, aged 16 What is it like to be a teen in 2024? " It has ups and downs, normal ups and downs of being a teen and transitioning to adult thinking and struggling to understand certain feelings caused by hormonal changes and feeling that you are not understood. The pressures on Gen Z […]
Christmas is a time to be kind
Although Christmas is a time to rejoice, be merry and indulge for most, for some, it is a time of reflection and readjustments. As we all look forward to wind down the year, it is important to remember to check-in with our loved ones, neighbours, friends, and even acquaintances. Christmas can be a reminder of […]
Domestic Violence
Male Domestic Abuse...a taboo topic that needs to be highlighted. The men who come to therapy having suffered domestic abuse can present as ashamed and de-masculated. Society as a whole needs to stop the attitude that men cannot be victims of DV. The clients I have worked with have felt that they should not come […]
Crisis services
These are some crisis support services should you have a Mental Health Crisis. Befrienders Worldwide Worldwide directory of emotional support helplines. Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 0800 58 58 58 Provides listening services, information and support for anyone who needs to talk, including a web chat. Community Advice and Listening Line (C.A.L.L.) 0800 […]
Life lessons
A note to YOU Trauma does not define the person. There is more to you than the trauma you have experienced. This is not your fault and you are not to be blamed. The strength you have in you is BIGGER than you know. Be your own best friend and take one day at a […]
  I decided to use the wonderful art of Kintsugi to work on fragmented selves and connection and highlighting the beauty of imperfection and individuality #art #change #beauty #healing #healingjourney Kintsugi “Kin” means gold and “Tsugi “means re-joining Wabisabi believes that things are always more beautiful when they bear the marks of age and individuality. Art reflects life… we get […]

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