Creative working
Using stacking dolls or matryoshka dolls in therapy has been a useful tool in my therapy works. The dolls can be used in many ways, from inner child work to looking at our different selves. The dolls can represent different ages where the client may have felt stuck or hurt or abandoned. They can name […]
Trauma and Therapy
I described Trauma to a client as a catapillar which is fed and fed until it turns into a chrysalis. The Chrysalis or pupa is the therapeutic stage whereby change can happen and finally the wings grow into the butterfly and that is when the therapist has enabled the client to find their own growth […]
Inner Child Work
At the STAR retreat for our sexual trauma clients, I ran a workshop on Inner Child work. Carl Jung (1875-1961) ,a psychodynamic psychiatrist who worked alongside Sigmund Freud, developed the concept of The Inner Child Archetypes. He spoke of the Wounded Child, The Orphaned Child, The a magical Child, The Nature Child, The Eternal Child, […]
Alpacas Assisted Therapy
I use my assistant therapists, Pippin and Nugget, during my walk and talk sessions. Alpacas have a really great calming effect on people and their happy smiles are quite contagious. Their smells can release endorphins to promote better mood. Their hums pass a relaxing vibration to their handlers. Pippin and Nugget used to visit care […]
New Day
Every day I wake up and I say to myself, learn something new today and everyday I go through my day and I do learn something new, whether it is about someone else or the environment or the world or about myself. However, not so long ago, the thought of learning something new, particularly about […]
Type of therapy @ East Hampshire Counselling
The type of therapy I offer is Person-Centred. This theory was created by Carl Rogers in 1951 whereby he believed that there is no better connection than human connections. He also believed that when a person enters into the therapeutic journey, they are the best expert to know what they need and where their journey […]

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