Christmas is a time to be kind

Although Christmas is a time to rejoice, be merry and indulge for most, for some, it is a time of reflection and readjustments. As we all look forward to wind down the year, it is important to remember to check-in with our loved ones, neighbours, friends, and even acquaintances. Christmas can be a reminder of loss, grief and pain. Do ask "how are you?" but ask twice. Do take time to stop and spend time with acquaintances who may be lonely and not have anyone to spend Christmas with. Friends whose families may be living abroad and they cannot go home to be with them. Just a simple act of kindness can be a lifeline to someone out there. That feeling of giving kindness can release the feel good hormones in our own brains to promote a sense of wellbeing and compassion. THAT IS THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS!


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