

I decided to use the wonderful art of Kintsugi to work on fragmented selves and connection and highlighting the beauty of imperfection and individuality #art #change #beauty #healing #healingjourney

“Kin” means gold and “Tsugi “means re-joining
Wabisabi believes that things are always more beautiful when they bear the marks of age and individuality.

Art reflects life… we get hammered and we sit with our pieces. We have to find a way to redefine what wholeness looks like and to make something beautiful out of the life that we have.
I wanted to use the art of Kintsugi to demonstrate that different aspects of our fragmented life can be put back together in such a way that our “imperfections” are highlighted and become a thing of beauty and individuality.

The bowl represents some aspects of ourselves
The cloth represents the things that hold us together like our mother’s love, our faith, our own resilience
The intention of the exercise is to break the mould and acknowledge that we are not living our authentic life.
The hammer is the next teacher…. The hammer is the instrument for change. It can destroy but it can also be used to build… in this instance the hammer is used as an object to enable positive changes.
The glue is about connection, the chemical product coming together to hold the fragmented pieces together like therapy
Healing happens in connection not perfection.
The cracks and holes in your bowls can be representations of loss, or could be space for new information to come in. These cracks might be important parts of your story. The left over pieces is a representation of the things that we do not need.
Every bowl has a story to tell; just like every person has a story to tell…. We are just telling it through this bowl
The gold is the glory, it’s the celebration. It is not about the colour in any way, it is actually about a highlight.
The gold is an opportunity to highlight the journey. It is drawing a map of the story that you went through or how you did this.
Kintsugi is a reflection of what it is to be human. We all get hammered and we have to sit with our pieces and find a way to redefine what wholeness looks like and to make something beautiful with the life that we have, WABISABI.





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