New Day

Every day I wake up and I say to myself, learn something new today and everyday I go through my day and I do learn something new, whether it is about someone else or the environment or the world or about myself. However, not so long ago, the thought of learning something new, particularly about myself, would have been very daunting and self-critical. What changed, I hear you say?

Age and wisdom .... oh no not mine! but from my then 16 year old daughter! She asked me why I needed validation from others? That was 10 years ago. And I was 40 and very much going through the change. I answered that I did not know why and that I needed to reflect on this. It was a light switch turned on in my head... why did I do that? Why did I feel the need to people please? Why did I not have firm boundaries in place? Why did I still entertain a relationship with toxic people?

This was a major turning point and a positive one. For this I celebrate the wisdom and the insight of my daughter.

Fast forward 10 years: I have cut off all toxic relationships, Boundaries are in place like never before, I retrained as a counsellor and started a self-discovery voyage, I no longer feel the need to please everyone at my expense. I have the odd wobble but hey I am only human.

And my 16 year old daughter? She is a very capable, confident and successful young woman who has also just become a mum to a beautiful daughter and I could not be more proud of another strong woman in my tribe.

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